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GEOH5: A Framework for Geoscience Data and Model Portability
Used by thousands, GEOH5 is the open-source data structure that is taking down the interoperability barriers and revolutionizing...
Chasing Innovation from the Ground Up
Advances in geoscience are built on ingenuity. Circé Malo-Lalande knows it too well. Discover more about Canadian Royalties' fascinating success story.
Q&A with VR Resources
Join us in this exciting conversation with Michael Gunning on how to find success in blue-sky exploration through integrated interpretation of magnetic data and structural geology
A YouTube Channel about 3D modelling
We have quite a few how-to and tutorial videos lined up on YouTube highlighting our earth modelling, interpretation, and data management software for the construction of plausible geological models.
Coordinate display area
In Geoscience ANALYST you can get real-time feedback on the XYZ coordinates corresponding to the...
Machine learning in mineral exploration
We have applied machine learning as part of custom solutions to complex exploration and geotechnical problems since 2015...
K-means clustering: compute inertia curve
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro the K-means clustering utility includes the ability to compute the data’s inertia curve...
BHP Bowen Basin, Australia
Surface electromagnetic and electrical methods were trialled at a mine in the Bowen Basin, Queensland, with the objective of mapping the extent of coked coal...
Importing and visualizing VP Geophysics models
In Geoscience ANALYST v3.1, VP Model objects can now be imported by a simple drag and drop! You can then visualize the model and,...
Clipping isovalues and sections
In Geoscience ANALYST you can clip isovalues and sections by volume using the free visualization tools to focus on areas of interest in any block model...
Georeference images
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro you can georeference your geology maps and cross sections with...
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can save lots of time with SKUA-GOCAD’s macros, a built-in scripting tool in which you can record or enter a sequence of commands to carry out or repeat at any time...