3D Mining Industry Software & Solutions
Browse through our catalogue for mining industry solutions that include integrated, quantitative, and multi-disciplinary 3D and 4D mining industry earth modelling software.
We bring together a wide range of geological, geophysical, geochemical, and geotechnical software tools in order to create integrated, multi-disciplinary models for addressing mineral exploration, geological interpretation, and geotechnical business challenges.
Mining Industry Products
Geoscience ANALYST
Powerful software solution for visualization, communication, analysis, and integrated interpretation of multi-disciplinary geoscience and mining data and models. Available in four different modules that complement each other, extending the software's technical capabilities.
Industry-leading data management system with 3D visualization, query, and analysis capabilities for integration of 3D mineral exploration and 4D geotechnical engineering data, interpretation, models, and metadata.
GOCAD® Mining Suite
3D geological modelling software for integrated multi-disciplinary 3D modelling. It excels in creating geological models where other software applications struggle. Go beyond implicit modelling to create valid interpretation that honours all your data.
Python Integration
Leverage the powerful visualization capabilities of Geoscience ANALYST along with open-source code from the Python ecosystem through the open-source Python API - geoph5py - and the geoapps repository.
Industry-standard codes developed by the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility including 3D modelling and inversion programs for gravity and magnetic gradient data, resistivity and induced polarization, and electromagnetics. Sold separately.