Geoscience ANALYST 3D Viewer

FREE visualization and communication software for integrated, multi-disciplinary geoscience and mining data and models.

Geoscience ANALYST 3D viewer is a free standalone application that allows you to import, visualize, annotate, save, and distribute a multitude of 3D geoscience and mining data and models.

Share and communicate your geoscience data, 3D models, metadata, and interpretation with your colleagues and stakeholders effortlessly to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Why should you try it?

  • Its intuitive and modern user interface enables the rapid understanding of complex data.
  • You can import and share numerous data (e.g., structural, geological, geochemical, seismic, grav/mag, EM, DC/IP, drillholes) and model formats, including GOCAD Mining Suite and VP Suite.
  • Its open GEOH5 file format allows you to store and share your projects in a documented public, open, easy-to-use, vendor-neutral, and permanently accessible data exchange and storage format for the general geosciences.
  • Its open-source geoh5py Python API and geoapps application repository allow you to leverage the powerful visualization capabilities of Geoscience ANALYST along with open-source code from the Python ecosystem.

This software is great. It accomplishes all the aspects I need to be able to spend more time evaluating and thinking about exploration project data, not fussing over complex software. I have advised a number of exploration colleagues to get going on this software; it continues to be fantastic.

Todd KeastP.Geo Consulting Geologist

Key Product Features


  • Visualize drillholes/wells; curves/polylines; wireframe surfaces; 2D grids; 3D block models; regular, tensor and octree 3D grids; topographically-draped, crooked-line 2D sections.
  • Interrogate data values, attributes, and histograms via a dynamic link between 3D views and data tables.
  • Create views, annotate objects, and save workspaces for easy distribution and sharing.
  • Create map and 2D profile views.
  • Drape points, curves, and surfaces on surfaces.
  • Texture drape geoimages and grids on surfaces.
  • 2D cross plot linked to visualizations and data table.
  • Spherical viewport for global visualization.


  • Import wide variety of data types: scalar, vector, text, categorical, and boolean.
  • Import files in a multitude of geoscientific and data formats, including: AMIRA TEM, ASCII, AutoCAD, Datamine, ESRI, GeoImage, Geosoft, ioGAS, LAS drillholes (v2.0), Maxwell plates, netCDF, GOCAD objects, ODBC drillhole paths, OMF, SEG-Y, UBC-GIF, and VP models.


  • Create, read, visualize, and share GEOH5 files.


  • Connectivity to the Python API – geoh5py – for manipulation and storage of a wide range of data types in GEOH5 format. Get the package on PyPI. Details available in the user guide.
  • Geoscience ANALYST is the 3D visual front end and 3D data set search tool for the Geoscience INTEGRATOR data management system.
  • Compatible with Microsoft Windows (64 bit) 7, 8, and 10.

Explore Additional Modules


Geoscience ANALYST Pro offers additional functionality for object creation, editing, data processing, interpretation, and targeting.

Pro Geophysics

Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geophysics offers advanced, yet easy-to-use, geologically-constrained geophysical interpretation.

Pro Geology

The NEW Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geology module provides an enriched geologist’s toolkit including AI methods.

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Latest news

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