A new Geoscience ANALYST Python API, providing the capability of connecting to open-source software, is scheduled for release. It provides the ability to connect open-source geophysical, machine learning, or other computational codes to a powerful 3D visualization environment designed specifically for the geosciences and mining. This sneak peek video demonstrates an example of using open-source machine vision algorithms to extract lineaments from magnetic data for 3D interpretation.
Two open-source algorithms are used to extract edges as binary images and convert them into parametric lines: The Canny edge detector and the Hough line transform.
Interested in trying it out? Have a look at this video, or
… more”How to” videos for Geoscience ANALSYT can be found on our YouTube Channel and Tips on how to use Geoscience ANALYST can be found under the Software tip category in our News page and in our Archives page.