What’s new in software
v3.0 launches the next generation of fast, advanced geophysical tools through Geoscience ANALYST. We have worked hard to provide you with a low-cost, easy-to-use interface for forward modelling and inversion of potential fields, resistivity, induced polarization, and electromagnetic data. It’s the ideal geophysical interpretation environment for geological understanding.
Data and inversions, along with inversion histories and all relevant contextual data and geological models, can be shared as open-format Geoscience ANALYST workspaces accessible through the free viewer.
Geoscience ANALYST Pro
Pro already provided a live link to EMIT’s Maxwell plate modelling and Imdex’s ioGas geochemistry software as well as drillhole design and other functionality for interpretation and targeting. In this new version of Pro you will be able to execute forward modelling and unconstrained inversion of potential fields data, powered by our unique VP geophysical technology that can act directly on geological models. This version has no limitations on model size.

Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geophysics
For advanced yet easy-to-use geophysical interpretation, we introduced Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geophysics, providing a powerful interface to the suite of codes developed by the UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility (GIF). Users will take full advantage of the UBC-GIF Suite by preparing data, creating meshes, incorporating constraining geologic information, running inversions, and visualizing results in an integrated 3D environment. Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geophysics also includes unlimited access to VPmg and VPem1D, combining industry-standard UBC technology with the unique capability of directly inverting for geological models that is provided by the VP Geophysics Suite.

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