In the Voxet’s Style Editor > Sections, you can create a section animation by specifying which section plane you want to visualize, how many Voxet cells it will move each step, and whether it will play in a loop or swing.

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Latest news
New release – Geoscience INTEGRATOR 4.1
Geoscience INTEGRATOR 4.1 unveils a range of new features and improvements designed to boost performance and enhance user experience.
Creating properties within the script editor
In GOCAD, properties can be created within the Property Script Editor by typing the new property name in the script and then clicking Define Variables…
Search for Objects – find anything, anywhere, anytime
In GOCAD Mining Suite find any objects you're looking for in no time...
Visualize 3D vector properties
In GOCAD Mining Suite the normal of a surface is an example of a 3D vectorial property, where the components of the vector are...
Scientific colour-maps
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Roles and permissions
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Using hot keys
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No-data values on import templates
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR, you can prevent importing no-data value strings by providing a general NDV to be applied to all properties of the template...
Transfer data between objects
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro you can Transfer data between objects...
Filtering samples by their drillhole
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR, you can can filter them according to the drillhole they are located in...
Monitoring folders
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