Double-click an object in the 3D Viewer to quickly and easily access its Style Toolbar. If it is painted by a property, its Secondary Style Toolbar will also become active and displayed.
The Objects browser will update to highlight the selected object and the Commands menu will show options related to the type of object selected.
Previous tips can be found under the Software tip category in the News section and in the Archives section of our website.
Latest news
Viewing data from report items
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR table and chart items from ad-hoc or scheduled reports can be easily refreshed, using the same filters that were applied in the original report, to display current data.
The value of using structural restoration tools in exploration modelling – Virtual Lecture
Watch recording - Jean-Philippe shows the use of structural restoration tools in GMS as a modelling tool for structurally controlled deposits...
Quick selection search tool
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR we added a search box to help you find objects lists such as drillholes, samples, or stations that often have thousands of items...
Plotting drillhole data
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GOCAD Mining Suite – A geological modelling powerhouse
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Visualize structural measurements
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Extracting property names from a CSV
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Drillhole Statistics
In Geoscience ANALYST you can compute drillholes’ deviation statistics. These include...