2D data can be viewed using the Panels menu > Add map view viewport. 3D data can be shown in the 2D view for further integration.

2D and 3D Viewports can be displayed side-by-side.
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Georeference images
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro you can georeference your geology maps and cross sections with...
Building a geological framework from exploratory modelling of magnetic data – Virtual Lecture
Join us on May 19, 2022 at 11am Pacific Time as Shaun O'Connor will demonstrate how to use the built-in scripting tools for exploratory geological modelling with sparse data...
Coordinate Reference System re-projection
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Fourier filters
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Easily display a property on multiple objects
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Transfer data between objects
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro you can Transfer data between objects...
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Using magnetic susceptibility measurements to define mineral exploration targets
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