You can drag and drop or upload up to 30 files at a time through the File manager and Maps/plans/sections pages. The files will share the same type, tags, and data sets settings, but their description can be customized.

Previous tips can be found under the Software tip category in the News section and in the Archives section of our website.
Latest news
Default data colour settings
In Geoscience ANALYST you can set a default colour table and colour mapping transformation function. This way, when you import or create new data, it will be coloured by default.
Attaching files
In Geoscience ANALYST, you can attach files to Workspaces, Container Groups, and Objects...
New release – Geoscience INTEGRATOR 3.9
This version includes new functionality to provide a better user experience, such as: user notifications, new display options, and more!
Geoscience INTEGRATOR AI for exploration
Geoscience INTEGRATOR, the missing AI link for exploration. This unique web-based data management system is designed...
Editing property’s colormap
In GOCAD Mining Suite, when you select a property its colormap can be edited...
Documents linked to a project
When documents are linked to a project in Geoscience INTEGRATOR, it is possible to be more specific and link them to the project’s data sets...
Customized list of file types to help filtering your files
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR, on top of using Tags and Data set linking, you can give them a File type from a customizable list...
New release – Geoscience ANALYST 4.5
Geoscience ANALYST 4.5 brings performance improvements and key new features to all modules. Download it now!
Double-click to save clicks
In GOCAD you can visualize double-click an object in the 3D Viewer to quickly and easily access its Style and Secondary Style Toolbar...
Drape Voxet properties on surfaces
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can texturally drape your images and 2D gridded data onto surfaces, for example...
EM101: Tips and tricks for EM data in Geoscience ANALYST
In 20 minutes, James Reid show's you EM101 using Geoscience ANALYST Pro, a low-cost...
New raster imports
In Geoscience ANALYST you can now import GeoTIFF (tif, tiff), ERMapper (ers), and Surfer (grd)...