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In this lecture, James Reid showed how to work with DC data in Geoscience ANALYST Pro Geophysics. This sneak peek of version 3.2 shows how easy it is to view, prepare, and invert the data for 3D unconstrained inversion with UBC-GIF DCIP3D v5.0.
In 15 minutes he showed how to:
- Import and visualize DC resistivity data
- Prepare and export inversion input files
- Import and visualize DC inversion results after running an unconstrained inversion

James is the Director of the Asia-Pacific offices and a Principal Consultant with an extensive geophysical consulting background. He has extensive expertise in the planning and quantitative interpretation of electromagnetic and electrical methods, particularly the application of airborne electromagnetics to mineral and groundwater exploration. He has an MSc in geophysics from the University of Sydney and a PhD in geophysics from Macquarie University. James is based in Perth.