With Geoscience INTEGRATOR version 3.5, uploading files, maps, plans, and sections is easier and faster than ever. Not only can you upload up to 100 at a time, but it is also possible to add an editable global description to each, saving time and reducing errors.
Previous tips can be found under the Software tip category in the News section and in the Archives section of our website.
Latest news
Scientific colour-maps
In GOCAD, use F. Crameri's Scientific colour-maps. These colour-maps are perceptually...
Mutooroo Iron Project area, Australia
Geophysical detection of hydrothermal alteration footprints. Presented at AEGC2018 by John McGaughey...
Chasing Innovation from the Ground Up
Advances in geoscience are built on ingenuity. Circé Malo-Lalande knows it too well. Discover more about Canadian Royalties' fascinating success story.
Search for Objects – find anything, anywhere, anytime
In GOCAD Mining Suite find any objects you're looking for in no time...
Object’s Info
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can see how many nodes or triangles your Surface object consists of by right-clicking on...
Customize the Viewport axis labels
In Geoscience ANALYST you can customize the Viewport axis labels
Assign geological features
In GOCAD, the Assign Data to Geologic Features window now has mining categories to facilitate more efficient organization...
Case Study: Gold Fields Cave Rocks, Australia
An interactive approach to forward modelling and inversion. Exploration is becoming harder, with greater...
Coordinate Reference System re-projection
This GOCAD command, found in the Tools menu of upcoming v17u3, transforms atomic objects, drillholes, and grid
View neighbourhoods in 3D
You can display your neighbourhoods in Geoscience INTEGRATOR 3D viewer, making it easier to understand spatial distribution of the data.
Extracting property names from a CSV
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR, extract the property names directly from a CSV file to speed up the process and reduce errors...