With Geoscience INTEGRATOR v3.6, drillhole sample locations are automatically computed as XYZ by the system from the deviation surveys, making spatial searches more versatile and accurate.
For example, when querying samples by spatial extent through the 3D viewer, it will quickly show you all the drillhole samples located within that bounding box.
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15 tips in 15 minutes
15 Geoscience ANALYST tips on advanced visualization and knowledge sharing...
Effective date field
Geoscience INTEGRATOR v3.7 offers the Effective date upload field for files and maps...
Georeference images
In Geoscience ANALYST Pro you can georeference your geology maps and cross sections with...
Display multiple Voxet sections
In GOCAD Mining Suite, you can create additional sections, hide/show them, use the slider and arrow to position them along the Voxet, and delete them...
Easily display a property on multiple objects
In GOCAD Mining Suite objects are grouped by the properties they contain...
Create array property from scalar properties
This command, found in GOCAD's Property menu, creates a multi-dimensional array property from user-selected properties...
Find and Replace
In GOCAD Mining Suite find and replace any objects you're looking for in no time...
Peak finder – Geoscience ANALYST geoapps: Python application
Past event. Link to recording available here.
Centering objects in the Viewport
In Geoscience ANALYST, you can automatically turn on the selection, center the view, and...
Drape Voxet properties on surfaces
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can texturally drape your images and 2D gridded data onto surfaces, for example...
Fourier filters
This new Geoscience ANALYST Pro feature allows you to apply Fourier filters on 2D grids using the basic geophysics tools...