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View neighbourhoods in 3D
You can display your neighbourhoods in Geoscience INTEGRATOR 3D viewer, making it easier to understand spatial distribution of the data.
Filtering data by neighbourhood
In the web UI, you can rapidly filter your data by neighbourhoods and display it in plots, charts, or tables.
BHP Bowen Basin, Australia
Surface electromagnetic and electrical methods were trialled at a mine in the Bowen Basin, Queensland, with the objective of mapping the extent of coked coal...
Editing property transparency
In GOCAD Mining Suite, when you select a property its transparency can be edited...
Importing objects from project
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can easily import objects from one GOCAD project to another by...
Reshape using spiderwebs
GOCAD Mining Suite v19 allows you to reshape your surfaces and 2D Grids with a spiderweb editing tool...
Data set search tools
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR, you can search by data set name or description through the Data set search...
Extending workflows with rapid model generation – Virtual Lecture
Past event - Shaun O'Connor showed how to use the built-in scripting tools for exploratory geological modelling with sparse data...
Display property values as text
Through GOCAD's Style Editor, property values in atomic objects can be displayed as text in the 3D Viewer...
Editing property settings: Display template
In GOCAD Mining Suite you can editing property settings through display templates...
Q&A: Revival Gold Inc.
We discussed Mira Geoscience’s contribution to further understand the Beartrack-Arnett gold project area using modern exploration techniques...
Day interval filters
In Geoscience INTEGRATOR the Day interval filter can be used to search your time-based data for “the last X days”, or...